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What do you attach particular importance to in your offers?Persönlichen Kontakt für optimal abgesprochene Ergebnisse
What makes you special as a provider?Worlds-First-Outdoordrucker, effektiv und umweltfreundlich Bodendruck aufbringen.
How long have you been offering children's birthdays?Noch nie, gerne auch als Pilotprojekt machbar.
What is your motivation for hosting children's birthdays?Personally we like to work with children because of the real joy and emotions you get.
Is previous knowledge recommended?Nein, Malkenntnisse aber gerne gesehen!
Is holding children's birthdays exhausting?Nein
How many weeks before the planned birthday party should parents inquire about your availability?2 Wochen
What do parents have to consider when changing or canceling the birthday party, if it is possible at all?Uns so früh wie möglich bescheid sagen!
Author: Martin Lichtenstern